Freshers' Fair 2019


freshers fair 19



A huge thanks to everyone who came to say “oies!” to us at the Freshers’ Fair!  We started the society as a small team of very committed people and now we are almost one hundred enthusiasts. It was lovely meeting some of you at the Pub and having a laugh together.

We hope you have all had a fantastic week and are looking forward to the year ahead. Here are some updates about the events we have coming up next week:

 – Coffee and Science, on Tuesday, at 11:30am, St Antony’s College, with Dr. Art Oswaldo Mattos Filho (Harvard and USP). He will be talking about “Brazil under reform: labour, tax and pension changes”. 

– Brunch at the Great Hall, on Sunday (October 20), at 12pm, Christ Church. You cannot miss the chance to eat at this historic and stunning dining hall.

If you have any questions, suggestions or just want to chat, send us a message. We’d love to hear from you!