#6 Coffee and Science with former Minister of Finance Joaquim Levy – 20/11/19
During the last “Coffee and Science”, Joaquim Levy, former Minister of Finance, said that “carbon neutrality for 2050 is feasible, and Brazil has many levers to smooth this transition: stopping deforestation and expanding forest regeneration/restoration are essential to curbing emissions and creating a CO2 sink with many benefits; agriculture and beef industry can grow without deforestation and help store carbon in the soil; renewable energy sources open enormous opportunities”.
#5 Coffee and Science with Dr. Sérgio Seabra – 29/10/19
Dr. Sérgio Seabra, federal auditor officer of the Controller General of Brazil (CGU) and Visiting Fellow of Practice at the Blavatnik School of Government (BSG) talked about progresses and challenges in combating corruption in Brazil.
#4 Coffee and Science with Dr. Ary Oswaldo Mattos Filho – 17/10/19
The Brazilian Studies Program and the Oxford Brazilian Society are pleased to have hosted the “Coffee and Science” with Dr. Ary Oswaldo Mattos Filho. The event was about “Brazil under reform: labour, tax and pension”. The Professor also spoke about the history and origin of judicial review – institution established by the U.S. Supreme Court in the case of Marbury v. Madison (1803) and later on “imported” by the Brazilian Law. In the end, there was a discussion about the judicialization of politics and the risk of a backlash against the courts. Dr. Ary finished the talk drawing our attention to our responsibility as a group of students who is having access to a comparative knowledge that most of the Brazilians do not have access to. He pointed out that we should have a proactive attitude when going back home to bring change to Brazil.
#3 Coffee and Science with Professor Tiago Pereira – 11/09/19
Professor Tiago, who has a Newton Advanced Fellowship and was selected for the Instituto Serrapilheira Award, encouraged us to reflect on why does the order emerges spontaneously in nature, for instance when the fireflies flash in synchrony or cells in the heart beat together. The Professor explained how mathematics can describe these phenomena and predict when the order will appear. The meeting was mediated by our Treasurer Lício Romão, graduate reading for DPhil in Engineering Science.
#2 Coffee and Science with Jeferson Scabio – 26/06/19
On 26th June, the Brazilian Studies Programme (BSP) and the Oxford Brazilian Society (OBS) hosted the first edition of Coffee & Science. In the occasion, the academic visitor and PhD Candidate, Jeferson Scabio, presented his research named Governmental margins: the favela from the eyes of the State. The meeting was mediated by our Senior Member, Andreza dos Santos, and the attendees had opportunities to ask questions and provide feedback to his presentation.
#1 Coffee and Science with Brazilian Supreme Federal Court Luís Roberto Barroso – 19/05/19
On 19th May, during the Brazil Forum UK, members of the Oxford Brazilian Society (OBS) had the honour to meet the Judge of the Brazilian Supreme Court Luís Roberto Barroso for a coffee. In the occasion, we had a productive talk on matters related to Brazil, such as politics, education and human rights. We are grateful for such enriching experience and expect the OBS may serve as a platform for similar remarkable moments in the future.