Remembering assassinated Brazilian activists, 14/03/2020
Radcliffe Square
On the 14th of March, 2018, Ms Marielle Franco, a city councilwoman of the city of Rio de Janeiro, was assassinated. Ms Franco was returning from a round-table discussion on the empowerment of young black women when nine shots were fired at her car, killing Ms Franco and her driver, Mr Anderson Gomes. Two years later, their families and human rights activists around the world still await a response.
After Ms Franco, dozens of Brazilian activists have been assassinated, indicating a deterioration of democracy in Brazil. To commemorate the lives of Mr Gomes, Ms Franco and other recently killed Brazilian activists, the OUBS got together at Radcliffe Square on the 14th of March 2020 and read the following manifesto:
VIII Oxbridge Conference on Brazilian Studies, 4-5/10/2019
Freshers’ Fair 2019, 09 and 10/10/2019 – Week 0 Michaelmas
A huge thanks to everyone who came to say “oies!” to us at the Freshers’ Fair! We started the society as a small team of very committed people and now we are almost one hundred enthusiasts. It was lovely meeting some of you at the Pub and having a laugh together.
We hope you have all had a fantastic week and are looking forward to the year ahead. Here are some updates about the events we have coming up next week:
– Coffee and Science, on Tuesday, at 11:30am, St Antony’s College, with Dr. Art Oswaldo Mattos Filho (Harvard and USP). He will be talking about “Brazil under reform: labour, tax and pension changes”.
– Brunch at the Great Hall, on Sunday (October 20), at 12pm, Christ Church. You cannot miss the chance to eat at this historic and stunning dining hall.
If you have any questions, suggestions or just want to chat, send us a message. We’d love to hear from you!
Prêmio Jovem Cientista
On 16th April, the Brazilian Studies Programme (BSP) of the University of Oxford hosted the winners of Prêmio Jovem Cientista awarded by the British Council: scientists Carolina Levis, João Vitor Campos e Silva, and Gelson Weschenfelder.
Members of the Oxford Brazilian Society (OBS) had the great opportunity to join them and learn a little bit more about their researches, as well as to discuss some potential academic synergies. After that, Oxford students led the scientists to visit some beautiful locations of this charming city.
Visit to the Brazilian Embassy
On 19th June, members of the Oxford Brazilian Society (OBS) visited the Embassy of Brazil in London. We were hosted by Roberto Doring (Minister Counsellor /Deputy Head of Mission), Carlota Ramos (Diplomat in charge of academic affairs) and Juliana Bertozzo (Education & Science). The talk included aspirations of Brazilian students in the United Kingdom (UK), potential partnership with local organisations, platforms to connect researchers in the UK and forms to increase the visibility of Brazilian studies carried out abroad. The OBS is grateful for that opportunity and we are very much looking forward to following projects supported by the Brazilian Embassy.